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Passive SDK

The passive sdk is used for devices which wont interact with game. Instead passive devices can be used to display the score or similar.

As the other modules the passive sdk provides a Game Class which emits events debending on the game state.

Class structure

classDiagram class Game~GameTemplate~{ -Players players +Players players +set_game_state(GameState: state) +on_score() -game_io_ctlsub() -game_io_statussub() -run() }

Create a Game

To create a new game write a class which inherits from Game.

class MyGame(Game):

Now the methods:

  • on_pregame() -> start State
  • on_start() -> run State
  • on_end() -> end State
  • on_exit() -> programm exit
  • on_score() -> score

can be overridden with custom code. They will be executed on their coresponding event. To access the score of a player the players variable can be used.

class MyGame(Game):

  def on_score(seat: int):
    for seat, score in self.players.score.items():
      print(f"Player {seat} has {score} Points")

To start the game you have to execute

if __name__ == "__main__"
  game = MyGame()'path/to/config.toml')


Don't forget creating a config file according to the specifications

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