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LED Test Game

This basic example creates a game with one player. When the player presses a button on his gamepad an LED lights up.

The source coder for this example can be found in the examples folder of this repository.


In order for the game to work you need the following hardware:

Description Amount
Raspberry Pi 2
Gamepad 1
220 Ohm Resistor 1

One Raspberry Pi is used as controller one as gamecontrol.

First connect the LED to GPIO Pin 17 of your controller with the resistor in series. Next pair your gamepad with the controller using USB or Bluetooth.

Raspberry Pi

Setup two Raspberry Pi's with Raspbian OS and pull the repository of the SDK onto each device.

Install the required python packages using pip

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In order to use MQTT for the communication you need to setup a MQTT broker as explained here


Create a config.toml for your controller and gamecontrol. For this you need to find the path to your input device (gamepad).


You can check the inputs using

cat /dev/input/your/device

If you get any output when pressing a button on your gamepad it got the right path.

Your config files should look something like this:









In order to be able to import the SDK into your programs the path to the SDK has to be added to your PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH="path/to/sdk/repository/:PYTHONPATH"

Now you should be ready to go


The ledTestGame folder contains two python files. One for the controller and one for the gamecontrol.


The controller code consists of two Switch classes and a Game class.

The LEDSwitch class is used to handle the input during the game. It turns on the LED and increases the score using a callback method.

The ReadySwitch class is for handling logic when the player presses ready on his gamepad. In this case there is no logic needed other than starting the game therefore the class is empty.

LedTestGame is the root of the game. In this class alle Input classes are registered. In addition a update_score() method is defined. This method increases the score and publishes the new score over MQTT using game_io.

The game is started when is executed.


Don't forget to define the right path to your config.toml


The gamecontrol code has only one class called LedTestGame. This class overwrites the method on_score() which is executed every time a player scores a point. When this happens the points of all players are compared against the maximum score. If someone reaches it the game ends.

The game is started when is executed.


Don't forget to define the right path to your config.toml

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