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Controller SDK

Controller are Raspberry Pi's which control the game figures.

This module provides a Game class for a controller. The class is used to emit events debending on the game loop. The class also listens on gamepad inputs.

In addition the module provides a set of key maps for different gamepads. To work with gamepad inputs the controller sdk provides as set of input classes.

Class structure

classDiagram class Input~abc.ABC~{ +__init__(int seat, str name) +str name +init(int seat) +reset(int seat) +close(int seat) } class Joystick{ +JoystickCode joystick_pos +float threshhold -float _last_pos +__init__(int seat, str name, JoystickCode joystick_pos) +set_direction(int seat, int pos) +get_direction(int seat, float pos) } Joystick --|> Input class JoystickCode~enum.Enum~{ LEFT_Y = 10 LEFT_X = 11 RIGHT_Y = 12 RIGHT_X = 13 } Joystick ..> JoystickCode Switch --|> Input class Switch{ +KeyCode key_bind +__init__(int seat, str name) +on(int seat) +off(ind seat) } class KeyCode~enum.Enum~{ BUT_0 = 0 BUT_1 = 1 BUT_2 = 2 BUT_3 = 3 DPAD_X = 4 DPAD_Y = 5 L1 = 6 L2 = 7 R1 = 8 R2 = 9 } Switch ..> KeyCode class GamePad { +dict key_map +dict joystick_map +KeyCode map_key(int code) } GamePad ..> KeyCode GamePad ..> JoystickCode class Game~GameTemplate~{ +dict controls +dict ready_control -evdev.InputDevice _input_dev -_on_pregame() -_on_end() -_on_exit(Exception err) -_ctl_sub() -_game_io_sub() -_run() }

Create a game


To create a new game write a class which inherits from Game.

class MyGame(Game):

Now the methods:

  • on_pregame() -> start State
  • on_start() -> run State
  • on_end() -> end State
  • on_exit() -> programm exit

To start the game you have to execute

if __name__ == "__main__"
  game = MyGame()'path/to/config.toml')


Don't forget creating a config file according to the specifications


The heart of this SDK is the ability to react on gampad inputs. Those inputs can be handled with Input classes.

To create an input write a class witch inherits from Switch odr Joystick. The use of those classes is described below. Important is, that every Input class has the following methods:

  • init(seat: int) - Executed before the start of a game
  • reset(seat: int) - Executed when a game ends
  • close(seat: int) - Executed on program exit

Any input has to be registered in your Game class. This is necessary so that they can be called when an user input is detected. You can register an input by adding it to the controls dictionary of your Game class. As key you use the desired KeyCode ore JoystickCode

self.controls = {
  KeyCode.BUT_0 = MySwitch(seat, 'MY_SWITCH')


The Switch class is used to work with any binary input. It provides two functions:

  • on(seat: int)
  • off(seat: int)

which are called when the putten is pressed and released respectively.

class MySwitch():
  async def on(seat: int):
    print("Button pressed")

  async def off(seat: int):
    print("Button released")


As the name implies, the Joystick class is used for inputs from one dimension of a joystick. It provides a method get_direction(seat: int, pos: int) which is called with a new joystick position between $$-1$$ and $$1$$.

Additionally a constant THRESHOLD is given. With this value you can deside below which value an input is recognized as zero.

class MyJoystick()
  def __init__(seat: int, name: str):
    super().__init__(seat, name)

    self.THRESHOLD = 0.25

  async def get_direction(seat: int, pos: float):
    print(f"Position of joystick changed to {pos}")
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