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Core of the game-sdk. Used to communicate with other controllers and the gamecontrol.

__init__(self, mqtt_conf) special


Name Type Description Default
mqtt_conf dict

Information needed to connect controller to the mqtt broker

Source code in game_sdk/
def __init__(self, mqtt_conf: dict):
        mqtt_conf: Information needed to connect controller to the mqtt broker

    self._ip = mqtt_conf['broker_ip']
    self._port = mqtt_conf['broker_port'] if 'broker_port' in mqtt_conf else 1883
    self._uname = mqtt_conf['username'] if 'username' in mqtt_conf else None
    self._passwd = mqtt_conf['password'] if 'password' in mqtt_conf else None

    self.client = Client(self._ip, self._port,
                         username=self._uname, password=self._passwd)

connect(self) async

Connect to MQTT client

Source code in game_sdk/
async def connect(self):
        Connect to MQTT client
    await self.client.connect()

publish(self, topic, payload) async

Publish any message to any desired topic

Source code in game_sdk/
async def publish(self, topic: str, payload: dict):
        Publish any message to any desired topic

        logging.debug("Publish to: %s with %s", topic, payload)
        await self.client.publish(topic, json.dumps(payload))
    except TypeError:
        logging.error("MQTT Payload is not JSON serializable")

ready(self, seat) async

Publish ready state


Name Type Description Default
seat int

Controller seat

Source code in game_sdk/
async def ready(self, seat: int):
        Publish ready state

            seat: Controller seat

    payload = dict(seat=seat, ready=True)
    await self.publish('status/ready', payload)

score(self, score, seat) async

Publish score


Name Type Description Default
score int


seat int

Controller seat

Source code in game_sdk/
async def score(self, score: int, seat: int):
        Publish score

            score: Score
            seat: Controller seat
    payload = dict(seat=seat, score=score)
    await self.publish('score', payload)

set_game_state(self, state) async

Publish new game_state


Name Type Description Default
state GameState

State to publish

Source code in game_sdk/
async def set_game_state(self, state: GameState):
        Publish new `game_state`

            state: State to publish

    payload = dict(mode=state.value)
    await self.publish("status/game", payload)

subscribe(self, topics)

Subscribe to the different MQTT topics published by the gamecontrol


Name Type Description Default
topics list

List of topics to subscribe to. Each topic is a tuple consisting of the actual topic and QOS e.g. ("some/topic", 0)

Source code in game_sdk/
async def subscribe(self, topics: list):
        Subscribe to the different MQTT topics published by the gamecontrol

            topics: List of topics to subscribe to. Each topic is a tuple consisting of the actual topic and QOS e.g. ("some/topic", 0)

    async with self.client.unfiltered_messages() as messages:
        await self.client.subscribe(topics)
        async for msg in messages:
            msg: MQTTMessage = msg

                data = json.loads(msg.payload)

                yield (msg.topic, data)
            except JSONDecodeError:
                logging.warning("Got MQTT message with wrong format")


Subscribe to the gamestatus published by the gamecontrol

Source code in game_sdk/
async def subscribe_to_status(self):
        Subscribe to the gamestatus published by the gamecontrol

    topics = [("status/game", 0)]

    async for msg in self.subscribe(topics):
        data = msg[1]
        mode = data['mode'] if 'mode' in data else 'idle'

        game_state = GameState.IDLE
        if mode == 'start':
            game_state = GameState.START
        elif mode == 'run':
            game_state = GameState.RUN
        elif mode == 'end':
            game_state = GameState.END
        yield game_state
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