This documentation is generated by MkDocs with the Material for MkDocs Theme. MkDocs is a static site generator wich uses Markdown as markup language. For a Markdown cheat sheet click here.
To use MkDocs the requirements.txt
have to be installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On the Controller and Gamecontrol Repository this only works on a Raspberry Pi
Local build
To build the documentation for local use run:
mkdocs serve
Now you can access the documentation on the address shown in the terminal (http://localhost:8000)
When running on a Raspberry Pi execute the following command to access the Documentation from an other PC in the same network.
mkdocs serve -a <ip of your raspberry pi>:8000
When the documentation is ready it can be uploaded to GitHub using:
mkdocs gh-deploy
This will automatically build an upload the site to GitHub using the branch gh-pages.
Please avoid modifying the branch gh-pages manually.
Useful Commands
Diagrams can be created by using mermaid. Mermaid can be used by creating a code-block with the mermaid
language tag.
<your diagram>