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Python Coding Style

Besides consistency as a main aspect of good code, the second most important aspect is a certain style which the average python programmer is capable to read and understand properly. Therefore the following documents states the essential naming conventions.

Here is a link for a more detailed dive into the `PEP8 - Style Guide for Python Code'

Naming conventions


The name of a variable should be as accurate as possible and as short as possible at the same time.


# don't
x = 10 + 5
# do
res = 10 + 5
A variable can be used in two different scenarios.

Global variables are defined outside of all functions, usually on top of the program. They should only be used if absolutely necessary. A global variable will hold their value throughout the lifetime of the program. Global variables should be defined in a snake_case style, when possible at the start of the file. If the variable should only be used in it's module the name should start and end with two underscores.



Local variables are defined, initially set and consumed within a function, method or block. These variables lifetime is confined within the lifetime (time of execution) of a function (method or block). Local variables should be defined the same way as global variables.



Constants are expressions with a fixed value. They are defined on a global (modul) level. The naming convention for constants prescribes that all letters are upper case letters with snake case subdivision.


PI_VALUE = 3.14159


Functions should be named in snake_case like variables. Even though Python isn't strictly typesafe it is good practice to define a return-type and the type of the parameters.


def example_function(some_value: int) -> bool:
   # do some stuff

Classes (Types, Template parameters)

Python is a object-oriented programming language. Therefore it's all about creating objects which contain both data and functions for a certain task.

A class as well as an object should be defined with PascalCase notation.

Methods and Attributes: The first parameter of the __init__ function should always be called self. Private methods or attributes always start with two underscores.


class Car:

    def __init__(self, ini_brand, ini_speed, ini_power){
       self.brand = ini_brand
       self.max_speed = ini_speed
       self.power = ini_power


If the section of code is not clearly understandable there should be a short description of the current function in form of a comment.


# divides up two double values
def division(dividend: float, divisor: float) -> float:
   return (dividend / divisor)


The documentation of the written code is created automatically. To provide the needed Information every function, class or method needs a docstring with a special format.


def some_function(some_variable: int) -> int:

        some_variable: <Description>

      Returns: <Description

Head of File:

In order to get quick information about the .py files purpose there should be a docstring at the beginning of the file.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

Created: <MM/DD/YY>
by: <Author>


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