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The tower is the central element of the playing field. It is used to move the comets around the playing field so every player has a chance to hit them.

View from the top

View from the side


The tower consists of a base and an arm with a comet at each end. The arm can be rotated horizontally and tilted vertically. Both motions are created with a stepper motor. The stepper motors are controlled with the Raspberry Pi using a Adafruit Motor Shield. In order to avoid tilting too far to the right or left, 2 end stoppers and physical limitation are built in.

Technical characteristics

Mechanical Device Action State
Side stepper motor Tilting the tower +-16° right/left max
Top stepper motor Arm rotation Circular movement


CAD model of the tower

CAD sketch of the tower

Circuit (connection to Raspberry Pi)

Middle Tower circuit

For the connection between motors, motor shield and Raspberry Pi see the Adafruit documentation


For a list of all used components see the components section.

Further information

All 3D-Models were done with Fusion360 and can be found on GitHub. For information about controlling the tower via controller and software solutions please look here

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