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Gamecontrol setup

Start the gamecontrol by executing src/ with python


Setup script

To setup everything needed, to run the game there is a setup script, which can be executed with the following command:


After this you have to activate I2C by adding dtparam=i2c_arm=on to the /boot/config.txt. For the use with the Adafruit Motorshield the I2C speed needs to be adjusted to 1MHz. Add dtparam=i2c_arm_baudrate=1000000 to the /boot/config.txt. Next the Raspberry Pi needs to be rebooted.



The sdk needed to use this program is stored in a submodule. To use it the following commands should be executed:

git submodule init
git submodule update


To update the sdk to the latest commit run

git submodule update --remote --merge


To get nicer imports and automatic documentation add the src folder to your PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/src:$(pwd)/lib/sdk"

Python Dependencies

Install all python dependencies run:

pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt


I2C is needed to communicate with the Adafruit Motorshield. It can be activated with a baudrate of 1MHz by adding the following lines to the /boot/config.txt.



Those settings are applied with the next reboot.

In addition the following packages need to be installed:

sudo apt-get install python3-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

The Adafruit Motorshield can be added to your I2C devices by running:

sudo modprobe i2c-dev


This command needs to be executed after every reboot. When using the gamecontrol.service this is done automatically.


The GPIO Pins of the Raspberry Pi are controlled with pigpio using the gpiozero Python library.

Both can be installed using apt-get

sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero
sudo apt-get install python3-pigpio


the pigpio service needs to be enabled after the installation by executing



sudo systemctl enable pigpiod
sudo systemctl restart pigpiod


In order to run mqtt docker as well as docker-compose needs to be installed.

Install Docker

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # Add active user to docker group

Install Docker-Compose

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install python3-dev
sudo pip3 install docker-compose


RaspAP is used to create a accesspoint to which all controller can connect. It can be installed with:

curl -sL | bash


During the installation you will be asked which extra features you want to install. OpenVPN and Pi-Hole (Ad Blocking) is not needed.


The mosquitto container can be mounted by running:

docker-compose up -d



The default configuration of the mosquitto broker is sufficient for the use with this game. But the setup of a username and password is also supported. First you have to uncomment #password_file /mosquitto/pwfile/pwfile in the ./docker/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file and set allow_anoyamous to false. Next generate a new user by executing:

$ docker exec mosquitto mosquitto_passwd -b /mosquitto/pwfile/pwfile <username> <password>


RaspAP can be configured over it's web-gui. First you have to connect to the Wifi Network with the default credentials:

SSID: raspi-webgui
Password: ChangeMe

Then you can access the control panel by navigating to in your web browser. The default login is:

Username: admin
Password: secret

Change hotspot credentials

The SSID and password of the hotspot can be changed as shown in the pictures below: Set Hotspot SSID Set Hotspot Password

Set the country code

Make sure, to set your country code in the advanced hotspot settings. Set Country Code

For the settings to take effect, you have to save everything and then restart the hotspot.

Change control panel login

The login of the control panel can be changed in the tab Authentication as schown in the following picture: Set control panel login


The game can be started automatically using systemd. Register the service by executing the script scripts/systemd-setup. It takes the name of the service (without .service) as first argument.

Example for gamecontrol.service

scripts/systemd-setup gamecontrol


The Documentation is generated with the help of mkdocstrings. To implement a module, class or function into your documentation you have to reference it as follows:

::: library.module

::: library.module.class

::: library.module.function
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