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Entrypoint to control the displays and audio

Display (Game)

Gameclass to manage displays and audio

on_end(self) async

Display shows winner when game ends. After a period of time the display shwos the logo again.

Source code in src/
async def on_end(self):
        Display shows winner when game ends.
        After a period of time the display shwos the logo again.
    await asyncio.sleep(3)

on_exit(self, err=None) async

Cleans display when the game is finished.

Source code in src/
async def on_exit(self, err: Exception = None):
        Cleans display when the game is finished.


    await self.on_exit(err)

on_init(self) async

Configures pins and spi for connection of the display

Source code in src/
async def on_init(self):
        Configures pins and spi for connection of the display
    self.display = DisplayHAL() = SoundHAL()"Display initalized")

on_pregame(self) async

Display shows logo until game starts (ready)

Source code in src/
async def on_pregame(self):
        Display shows logo until game starts (ready)
    self.display.show_score(0, 0)

on_score(self) async

Updates score on the display when a player makes a point

Source code in src/
async def on_score(self):
        Updates score on the display when a player makes a point
    scores_dict = self.players.score
    score_A = 0
    score_B = 0

    for key, value in scores_dict.items():
        if key in self.config['team_A']:
            score_A += value
        elif key in self.config['team_B']:
            score_B += value
    self.display.show_score(score_A, score_B)"Score update")
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