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Gamecontroll Stepper


Name Type Description
start_position int

set Rocking Stepper in center position

max_interval float

max stepping time for Rotate Stepper

min_interval float

min stepping time for Rotate Stepper

max_rock_interval float

max stepping time for Rock Stepper

min_rock_interval float

min stepping time for Rock Stepper

__init__(self) special

Initialize Rock and Rotate Stepper

Source code in controls/
def __init__(self):
        Initialize Rock and Rotate Stepper

    self.rock_stepper = EncoderStepperHAL("Rock Stepper",1)
    self.rotate_stepper = StepperHAL("Rotate Stepper",2)


Mapping attributes to rotate() and rock()

Source code in controls/
def game_run(self):
        Mapping attributes to rotate() and rock()

    stepper1_start_dir=random.randint(1, 2)
    if stepper1_start_dir==1:

    self._rock_task = asyncio.create_task(self.rock_stepper.rock())        #stepper1
    self._rotate_task = asyncio.create_task(self.rotate_stepper.rotate())      #stepper2

    self._algo_task = asyncio.create_task(self._run(0.5))

get_score(self) async

!!! Deprecated !!!

Control depending on the score

Source code in controls/
async def get_score(self):
        !!! Deprecated !!!

        Control depending on the score

    if self.total_score<self._score_goal:
        await asyncio.sleep(3)
    return self.total_score

on_exit(self) async

Reset position Threading stop, motor_release via atexit register

Source code in controls/
async def on_exit(self):
        Reset position
        Threading stop, motor_release via atexit register

    await self.game_stop()

    self.rock_stepper.close()     #todo:::::::::::: check hal.close

set_score(self, score, max_score)

Set total score and max score for the rotation algorithm

Source code in controls/
def set_score(self, score, max_score):
        Set total score and max score for the rotation algorithm

    self._total_score = score
    self._score_goal = max_score
    self.rotate_stepper.interval, self.rotate_stepper.direction = self._rotate_algo()

set_start_position(self) async

Set start position at initialisation and after each game round. Current version: uses stopper to determine middle_position

Source code in controls/
async def set_start_position(self):
        Set start position at initialisation and after each game round.
        Current version: uses stopper to determine middle_position

    #self.stepper1.set_position(self.start_position)  #without stopper; used init value start_position
    await self.rock_stepper.calibrate()               #with stopper
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