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Controller Setup


Setup script

To setup everything needed, to run the game there is a setup script, which can be executed with the following command:


After this you have to activate SPI by adding dtparam=spi=on to the boot/config.txt. Next the Raspberry Pi needs to be rebooted.



The sdk needed to use this program is stored in a submodule. To use it the following commands should be executed:

git submodule init
git submodule update


To update the sdk to the latest commit run

git submodule update --remote --merge


Add the src and lib/sdk folder to your PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/src:$(pwd)/lib/sdk"

Python Dependencies

In order to install all python dependencies run:

pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt


The Programm uses SPI to control the LED's of the turrets. Enable SPI by adding dtparam=spi=on to the boot/config.txt. This activates SPI after the next reboot.


The game can be started automatically using systemd. Register the controller.service by executing the script scripts/systemd-setup.


The Documentation is generated with the help of mkdocstrings. To implement a module, class or function into your documentation you have to reference it as follows:

::: library.module

::: library.module.class

::: library.module.function
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