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The Controller repository contains the code for the Raspberry Pi's which control the different game figures (e.g. the turrets). In the following those Raspberry Pi's are called Controller. Each Controller can get an id by setting the seat variable in the config.toml.


The id of the controller must also be named in the seats variable of your Gamecontrol.


The entry point of the game is the CrazyComet class in src/ This is a subclass of Game from game_sdk.controller (See the sdk documentation). To start the game is executed.

Furthermore the src folder consist of a hardware and controls folder, which will be explained below.


This is the hardware abstraction layer. It is used to expose hardware interfaces to the rest of the programm.

As defined in the HAL base class, every HAL class should have the following methods:

  • __init__()
  • close()


Every class in the hardware abstraction layer should inherit from HAL


This folder contains classes, which interact directly with the game (eg. responding to gamepad inputs).

Classes interacting with the gamepad should always be subclasses of an Input class (See the sdk documentation).

To register an Input class to the game sdk it should be instanciated in the CrazyComet class. There it is added to the dictionary controls with the desired KeyCode or JoystickCode as key.


self.controls = {
    KeyCode.BUT_0: MyControl(seat, 'MyControl', args**)
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